Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Elicitation as One of the Most Critical Activities in Business Analysi Case Study

Elicitation as One of the Most Critical Activities in Business Analysis - Case Study Example The analysts need to be absolutely sure about the information collection tool as this will pave way for the analyst to formulate the necessary questions. It is extremely important for the researcher to ensure that the questions prepared for the elicitation encompass every crucial detail regarding the business. The analysts will also have to prepare a full list of stakeholders who are to be interviewed. Upon preparation of the stakeholder list, a schedule needs to be prepared according to the convenience of the participants. The analysts will also have to arrange for the transportation facility for the stakeholders in order to ensure that the information elicitation is conducted in a timely manner. The interview has been chosen as the primary data collection instrument for conducting the elicitation activity precisely because of the fact that it will provide the analyst as well as the stakeholders to counter question each other. The subjective research driven by an elaborate interview process will enable the analyst to create a learning environment. In that way, the analyst will be able to identify the needs and requirements of the stakeholders in details (Walters& Rainbird, 2011). One of the major advantages of the interview process is that it is a one to one communication. The analyst will be able to give equal emphasis on every individual stakeholder by adjudging their attitude towards a particular question. The interview will also allow the analyst to probe the participants in order to extract crucial information from them. By doing so, the analyst will be able to identify any weaknesses in the business model employed by Greens Electrical Store. In addition to that, the ana lyst will also be able to evaluate if the participants are satisfied with the business model or not. This, in turn, will enable the analyst to learn about the expectations that the stakeholders have from the organisational managers.  Ã‚  

Monday, February 10, 2020

The relationship between science and nature in Frankenstein Essay

The relationship between science and nature in Frankenstein - Essay Example Written in the middle of the 1960s, Pynchon was reflecting a culture gone crazy in which meaning was lost in the chaotic shuffle of Civil Rights, women’s rights, the Vietnam War and numerous other world-shaking events. While names such as Oedipa Maas, Mucho Maas and Pierce Inverarity do convey meaning of a sort regarding the personalities of these characters, they do not help in identifying a ‘constellation’ within the novel. Oedipa Maas is the protagonist of the story who is shaken out of her humdrum relatively normal California suburbia lifestyle with the news that her ex-boyfriend, Pierce Inverarity, has named her the executor of his will. There is an undeniable connection between her name and the name of a legendary king of Thebes from a play by Socrates. In Socrates’ play, the main character, Oedipus, learns that there is a great mystery that no one has yet been able to solve and sets out to answer the question of who killed the old king only to learn to his own ruin that it was Oedipus himself. In much the same way, Oedipa learns of a mystery that no one else has yet been able to solve – the mystery of the Trystero. In attempting to solve the mystery, which may actually be no mystery at all, Oedipa loses connection with her own life thus finding nothing but her own ruin at the end of the hunt. Her almost hallucinatory night spent wandering the streets of the city seems to suggest the type of blind wandering that Oedipus embarked upon at the end of his story. â€Å"She stood between the public booth and the rented car, in the night, her isolation complete, and tried to face toward the sea. But she’d lost her bearings. She turned, pivoting on one stacked heel, could find no mountains either† (177). Having lost touch with the people in her life, she could no longer even find herself within the landscape. Her last name, Maas, has several possible connotations including its synonym, mass which is traditionally difficult to get